
20,000 CMS items in Webflow!

July 17, 2024

20,000 CMS Items Now Available as an Add-On in Webflow!

For a long time there's been some slight trepidation surrounding the limitations of Webflow. One of them related to the amount of CMS items that Webflow allowed none-enterprise users.

Today those worries are over as we now have the option for up to 20,000 CMS items in Webflow as a monthly add-on to the Webflow business plan.

This opens up so many more possiblities for the kinds of Websites you can make in Webflow, along with some much needed peace of mind in terms of content heavy websites.

Expanded Capacity for Content-Rich Websites

Traditionally, Webflow provided a generous but potentially limiting number of CMS items (10,000), which could be a constraint for larger projects or content-heavy sites like listing websites.

With the expansion to 20,000 CMS items, Webflow users can now build more extensive and content-rich websites without the need to compromise on the volume or variety of content they wish to manage directly within the platform.

Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability

This update significantly enhances the flexibility and scalability of projects managed through Webflow. Users can now undertake larger projects or expand their existing ones without having to transition to Webflow enterprise hosting. This is particularly useful for growing businesses that are scaling up their operations or content creators who continuously produce and manage large volumes of articles, products, or multimedia resources.

Improved SEO and Site Performance

More CMS items mean more content, and with the right strategy, that translates to better SEO performance. Webflow’s CMS is designed to handle this increased load without compromising on site speed, ensuring that even large, content-heavy sites remain fast and user-friendly.

Peace of mind

A lot of prospective Webflow users coming from other platforms were often concerned about how many CMS items Webflow was going to limit you by.

If you're coming from the WordPress world these limitations simply don't exist, and although we highly suspect very few sites were reaching the original 10k limit, this update does help with those concerns.

Now we have significant breathing room for $124 p/m you can now double the original amount of CMS previously allowable by Webflow.

Empowering Creativity and Innovation

Finally, this expansion is a boon for creativity and innovation. Designers and developers can now experiment more freely, creating complex, dynamic sites that were previously difficult to manage within the CMS limits.

Final thoughts

Webflow’s move to expand its CMS item limit to 20,000 is a transformative development for its community of users. It's something many of us in the Webflow community have wanted for a while and now we finally have it.

All we need now as the cherry on top, would be to have the limits on nested collections removed so we can create more complex relationships between data-sets.

We heard on the grapevine this may just be coming at some point this year...

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