cases study

Love Finance

Webflow development for a fast-growing finance company

Project info

Client url:

The Objective

The team at Love Finance were going through the process of a rebrand which included a redesign of their website. The team decided on using Webflow over their current solution to better allow their marketing team to make changes to the site internally.

The Process

We worked with the in-house design team to bring their new website to life and created various extended functionality such as cost calculators. The entire project leaned very heavily on Webflow components to allow new page creations become easier to achieve.

The Result

The new website completes Love Finances new brand refresh and allows their marketing team to quickly spin up new pages with ease when using the component system we made for them.

"Thank you so much for all your hard work on this project. Going live went very smoothly and we even had a launch party to celebrate!"

Love Finance

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